The MiR600 is the most powerful AMR from MiR to date with a payload of 600 kg. The MiR600 is compliant with the highest available robot standards making it superior to other AMRs on the market.

It is specifically crafted for automatic pallet pick-up, transfer, and delivery. It serves as a secure substitute for traditional pallet lifters and trucks. Moreover, it operates without the need for a crew, optimizing pallet transportation and freeing up valuable time for employees to focus on other transport tasks.

MiR’s can safely maneuver around all obstacles and if a person was to walk directly out in front of it, it will stop. With its sophisticated software the robot can navigate the most efficient route to its destination. When it encounters obstacles, the robot will automatically redirect to prevent delays of the materials.

The MiR600 can withstand dust particles and fluids. It is operated by the intuitive MiR robot interface via smartphone, tablet, or computer, and can be programmed without previous experience.