Feed up to 4 parts simultaneously with Asyril EYE+

Feed more parts faster and easier with Asyril’s MULTI-feeding solution

Are you looking for a way to feed multiple parts at once without taking up too much space on your machine?

If so, you might be interested in Asyril’s multi-feeding solution. This innovative feature allows you to feed up to four different parts using a single Asycube flexible feeder, thanks to the optimized dual feeding function. With a single camera and the EYE+ smart control system, you can easily control all aspects of your application. You can also choose from various configurations to work with 2, 3, or 4 parts, depending on your needs. This gives you a lot of flexibility to design or improve your machine.

Some of the benefits of Asyril’s multi-feeding solution are:

  • Less hardware needed
  • More space available for other functions
  • Higher efficiency with 2 to 4 parts processed at the same time
  • Customized management of each hopper

Find more information about multi-feeding here.

By upgrading your EYE+ controller to version 4.2.1, your dual feeding license will automatically turn into a multi-feeding license.