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Welding – Cobots In-House Event – October 10th 2023

Welcome to an exciting and enlightening event that promises to showcase the cutting-edge world of welding automation. You’ll see live demos that combine human skills with technology and get hands-on with welding automation.

What to Expect: During this event, you will have the opportunity to witness firsthand the capabilities of welding automation. Set up the weld recipes’ and watch the system weld over and over effortlessly.

  • Live Demonstrations: In a series of live demonstrations, witness the marriage of welding techniques and automated systems. The challenges of achieving consistency, accuracy, and repeatability in traditional welding processes will become irrelevant. These demonstrations will underline how automation addresses these hurdles head-on.
  • Hands-on Experience: Beyond observing from the sidelines, this event provides a rare chance to engage directly with welding automation. Under the guidance of professionals, you’ll step into the role of an operator, maneuvering the controls and overseeing automated welding processes. By confronting these intricacies hands-on, you’ll gain a heightened appreciation for the complexity involved and how automation streamlines these aspects.
  • Customization Solutions: Discover how automated welding adjusts to different tasks and industries. Learn how to customize automation for specific welding needs, whether it’s small delicate welding or big strong projects. By focusing on this, the event highlights how automated welding can handle different project requirements effectively.

Who Should Attend: This event is ideal for professionals involved in maintenance, manufacturing, and industrial engineering. Whether you’re a seasoned welding engineer, a hands-on fabricator, or a forward-thinking production manager, the challenges addressed and solutions showcased are tailored to your endeavors. By attending, you’ll gain invaluable insights that can enable improvements in weld quality, productivity, and overall operational efficiency.

About Smooth Robotics: The welding force behind this event, Smooth Robotics, stands as an exemplar of innovation in welding automation. With a legacy of tackling the intricate challenges of welding head-on, they embody the fusion of human ingenuity and technological prowess. Their commitment to surmounting challenges serves as a testament to their expertise and dedication.

Join Us! Mark your calendars now for this one-of-a-kind Welding event. This event is all about broadening your knowledge on welding using robotics.

We will be running 2 slots on the day:

  • Morning Group – 10am – 12,30am
  • Afternoon – 2pm – 4,30pm


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