Asyril Flexible Feeding

Asyril is a company that specializes in the design and manufacture of high-performance flexible feeding systems for parts and components in the automation industry. The company is based in Switzerland and was founded in 2007.

Asyril’s flagship product is the Asycube, a three-axis vibration platform that uses advanced vibration technology to separate and organize parts. The Asycube can handle a wide range of parts, from small electronic components to large mechanical parts, and is used in a variety of industries, including automotive, electronics, medical devices, and packaging.

Asyril’s feeding systems are designed to be highly flexible and adaptable, allowing them to be easily integrated into existing production lines and automated systems. The company also offers a range of accessories and software tools to help customers optimize and customize their feeding systems for specific applications.

asyril eye+
asyril feeding system

The Asycube series is designed for a perfect distribution of all types of parts, including parts with complex geometrics to very delicate parts.

The EYE+ smart control system locates the parts using vision and transmits pick coordinates to the robot. It also manages the hopper and Asycube by performing the most efficient vibration sequences for optimal distribution of parts on the platform as well as managing their location and orientation. Feeding, orientation and sorting of bulk components are key elements in the process of automated assembly.

Their innovative mindset helps them continuously prepare for the next generation of automation challenges.

Industies where Asyril solutions  are commonly use include:

  • Automotive
  • Consumer goods
  • Medical and life sciences
  • Electronic and semiconductors
  • Watch industry and jewellery